Level 1 – Stretching Routines – Gabi Fechter


PRICE: R$ 65 – Brazilians Reais (About 13U$ / 11€)
Depends on the currency rate of the day

Level 1 – For those who are extremely stiff or not familiar with stretching and mobility work
You will have 3 days to download the products.

What will you learn?
Flexibility and mobility are important not just for Jiu jitsu but for quality of life.
You will learn how to relax and relieve tension from the major muscle groups used in Jiu Jitsu training. You will also Improve your recovery time and reduce stiffness and soreness after training.
Level 1 – For those who are extremely stiff or not familiar with stretching and mobility work
PRICE: R$ 65 – Brazilians Reais (About 13U$ / 11€)
Depends on the currency rate of the day